Title: Trying to Fit In Author: I_llbedammned Fandom: Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy Character/Pairing: Rocket, Peter/Sif Rating: PG Challenge: #94: When in Rome Warning(s): Some cursing Word Count: 500 Summary: Peter's ship crash lands on Asgard and he tries to figure out what to do now that he is there.
Title: I Would Need a Queen Author: I_llbedammned Fandom: Thor Pairing: Loki/Sif Rating: PG-13 Word count: 500 Warnings: None Challenge: #062 Seduction
Title:Through Heimdall's Eyes Rating:PG (PG-13 I suppose if you count vague descriptions of sex) Characters/Pairings: Hemidall, Loki/Sif, Thor/Jane, Odin, Frigg Word count:400 Challenge:12-Voyeurism
Title: Mistress Of Mage Fandom: Thor (Movieverse) Pairing: Sif/Loki Rating: R Word count: 490 Warnings: BDSM, slapping Timeline: Set before Thor Challenge: #004 Dominance